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Open Session: European Theatre Film Club (Online Edition)

Young vic

European Theatre Film Club (online edition)

La Reprise. Histoire(s) du Theatre (directed by Milo Rau)

Friday, 31 July

6.00pm - 8.00pm


Lots of directors are interested, or think they might be interested, in work being produced outside the UK, but visiting these countries to watch work is expensive, and only so many shows come to the UK theatres. However, lots of work is recorded, and this is an opportunity to watch some of the recordings that have been made of mainland European work. It will also offer an opportunity to meet other directors interested in continental theatre, and to talk about the play that has been watched. All are welcome. Due to the Co-vid pandemic we will be organising this event via zoom.


Next week there will be an opportunity to watch La Reprise. Histoire(s) du Theatre, a landmark production of the International Institute of Political Murder and NT Gent, directed by their artistic director Milo Rau. Using as a starting point a real life event from 2012 that happened in Liege, the savage killing of Ihsane Jarfi, Milo Rau and his team construct a theatrical documentary which dissects a killing that shocked the whole Belgium. La Reprise toured the world extensively and was shown at some of the most prestigious theatre festivals, including the EIF and Avignon Festival.


Please note, the production contains graphic descriptions and scenes of prolonged violence. If you need more information please contact us.


You can see a clip from it here:


The recording is in Flemish and French with English subtitles. It’s 85 minutes long.


Please confirm you are attending this session by clicking the sign-up button above. Please also let us know if you have any access requirements.


Zoom details will be emailed to you on the day of the session.


Open Session is an initiative for directors, designers or producers on the Genesis Network to run a one-off session, discussion, or initiative.  


This is a peer-led session facilitated by Alexandru Istudor that is not curated by RTYDS or Young Vic.