Oettie Devriese
Theatre Director
Theatre maker and performer. Originally from Belgium, but have been in London for nearly 5 years now. I came here to train as an actor and have been moving into creating/directing since graduation. I'm intrigued by how theatre operates differently in Europe and the UK. Ultimately I'm interested in creating/watching something visceral, an experience of human behaviour which demands you to invest in the audience. I find that European theatre doesn't shy away from that, but often lacks the story that British playwrights bring. In my own work I'd like to find ways of combining both. (she/her)
Assistant Director, In Flame, London School of Dramatic Art, 2022.
Actor, Quixotic, film, December 2021.
Production Assistant, Quixotic, film, December 2021.
Actor, Margate Murder Mysteries, radio, 2021.
Actor, The Phallic Earth Society, Old Red Lion Theatre, 1 night, 2018.
Actor, South Kentish Town, Union Theatre, 1 week, 2018.
Actor, 4.48 Psychosis, Pleasance Theatre, 2 nights, 2018.
Director, Tongen?, Tinnenpot Theater Gent, 2 nights, 2016.
Actor, Niemansland, Tinnenpot Theater Gent, 2 nights 2015.
Director, Thyestes, Tinnenpot Theatre Gent, 2 nights, 2014.
Introduction to Meisner, Both Feet Acting Retreat, 2022.
Advanced Acting Course, London School of Dramatic Art, 2017 - 2018.