Hello! I'm Megan or Meg, just not Meggy (please).
I'm a copywriter by day and a multi-hyphenate creative during my other waking hours. Recently I staged my first play, 'The Moral Women', at the Hen & Chickens theatre. This production has been a long time coming with our initial zoom reading selling out in 2022 and our first sold out live performance at Wandsworth Arts Fringe festival in 2023.
Currently I'm juggling many roles when it comes to staging my own creative, so I'm eager to find someone on a similar wavelength to collaborate with on future productions.
On that, my goals for the future? Funding! Despite making a profit on the latest production, it would be great to acquire funding to stage an R&D of the show and stage for a longer duration.
Here's the shows IG, have a see if the subject speaks to you: https://www.instagram.com/the.moralwomenplay/?__d=1%2F
If so, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Email: meganearl118@outlook.com
Spotlight: https://app.spotlight.com/2299-6754-6182
Pronouns: she/her
1-2 years
Basic German