Rosanna Mallinson
Physical Theatre
Immersive Events
Rosanna (She/Her) is a writer, director and dramaturg. She studied physical theatre at Jaques Lecoq in Paris before starting an international theatre company, Akimbo Theatre, that specialises in combining epic stories, movement and martial arts.
For over eleven years she ran an immersive company in London called ImmerCity, making site-specific and immersive work and still creates events and small experiences on the side.
She is now based in Brighton/London and travels regularly around the world to make work.
DIRECTOR, A Year and a Day, New Wimbledon (London), Hannah Playhouse (New Zealand)- 12 venue international tour over 4 months, 2023/2024
DIRECTOR/WRITER, No One, Soho Theatre, Omnibus, Showbox (Oslo) - 5 venue international tour, 4 weeks 2023/2024
DIRECTOR/DRAMATRUG, Gauche, Gauche, Gauche!, Ruth Bader Gainsburg 4 venue tour, 2 weeks, 2022
DIRECTOR/DRAMATURG, 2084, Manchester Library, 2 weeks 2018
2019-2021: École Internationale de Théâtre Jaques Lecoq (Physical Theatre)
2008-2012: Drama and Theatre Studies from Trinity College Dublin (2.1 BA)
BADC Standard (Rapier and Unarmed) September 2021